Thursday, January 22, 2015

To All the Teachers Standing in the Rain

Today it is raining. Like really raining. And it will be raining ALL day. 

This morning as I was dropping Channing off at school I told her to be sure to thank all the teachers she sees wearing raincoats because that meant they were standing in the rain for at least 30 minutes helping students get out of their cars safely. As we pulled up to the curb so she could get out, a beautiful, smiling face helped her get out of the car. And we said "thank you." And she was genuinely touched (and almost surprised) by our kind words. It made me start to wonder. Do we thank our teachers enough?

I know we are all grateful for the jobs that they do, but do we verbalize it? Even in the everyday, small moments like standing in the rain all bundled up in bright orange raincoats helping our children get out of their we verbally thank them?

 Those sweet teachers will be wet all day. All day. They will take their socks off to let them somewhat dry out before they put them back on again for afternoon pick-up. They will march into their classrooms today with sopping wet hair and will teach our children about reading and math and how to get along with one another. They will rush to meetings and scarf down their lunches and return emails and phone calls as quickly as they can. And they will love our children. 

My husband is one of those teachers.

Today I want to say "thank you" to all the teachers standing in the rain so that my child can get into the building safely. You are loved and appreciated!!

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