Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Laundry Room Make-Over

As I was doing my January Purge earlier this month, I discovered that my laundry room was the room that was making me the most crazy. Like most people, our laundry room connects to the garage. It's the place where we go in and out each day. It's where we dump our backpacks, coats, lunch boxes, shoes, and pretty much everything else. 
Our laundry room isn't big. But luckily, it isn't super tiny either. There's space in there for an extra refrigerator, but we've never had the need for that. That room has some extra space, but not tons. And we haven't been using the space to its potential now that we are a family of four on the go. So I decided to change all that! 

Here are some before pictures. Not total disarray, but it could be more organized...and cuter. ;) 

When I first started planning how I would organize this room (and try to make it look cute without being clutter-y) I envisioned something totally different. And to be honest, it can be super hard for me if I can't find exactly what I have envisioned in my brain. However, I really tried to go into this make-over with an open mind. And I'm glad I did because it turned out a little different than I first imagined, but I love it! See for yourself:

I've had that awesome window since last summer and I just now got around to hanging it up. So for all you lovelies who think I am so 'on top of things' you can see that sometimes I'm not! ;)

And those green tubs may not be for everyone, but I LOVE the pop of color...and they were only $1.50 each at IKEA. do you see why I snatched them up?!? Side note: for all you peeps who like things symmetrical, I apologize that the 3 green tubs aren't all lined up in a row. What can I say? I like things a little funky. ;)

Oh, and in case your wondering what's in that adorable metal trash can...yep, you may have guessed's my homemade laundry soap

It was Brad's idea to hang the hooks on 2 separate walls instead of 1 like I had planned. I loved his idea and in fact, I think it looks less clutter-y this way. And I love how the children can now be responsible for hanging up their own things since one row of hooks is at their height. #momwin

And lastly, I decided to hide my ironing board (that rarely gets used anyway) right behind the door. It's still easy to get to, but totally out of the way.
Now doesn't this laundry room make you want to do some laundry??? Ok, ok. Let's not get carried away. ;)


  1. Have I mentioned lately how much I miss you! And admire you!! (Ann H.)
