Thursday, May 18, 2017

Being Happy for Others

I absolutely adore those school projects the children do for Mother's Day. You know the ones where they fill in the blanks and say that you're 10 years older than you really are...or that you're really good at napping....or that you love it when everyone is quiet.

Oh, the honesty of a child.

Sometimes in the midst of those honest perspectives you get a glimpse of what you really want them to notice about you. As a mom. As a person. As a Christ-follower. As a friend.

Like this...

My mom feels happy for others.

Oh sweet one. I try. I really do. But sometimes that sly, green-eyed, jealousy monster comes out. I try to stuff her way down deep and never let her escape. However, she is sneaky and makes her presence known in a sigh or eye-roll or snarky comment I say in my brain. It's quick. Oh, so quick. And then I attempt to breeze right past it by smiling.

Being happy for others is easy on the surface. But being genuinely happy behind the smile is what I really want to teach you, my little loves.

When your best friend gets the lead in the school play and you are an "extra." Be happy. When you dribble the soccer ball down the field but your teammate makes the winning goal. Be happy. When you are the only one who doesn't make the cheerleading squad. Be happy. When the coveted internship goes to someone else. Be happy. When success comes to those around you, but misses you. Be happy. Genuinely happy.

Your turn is coming.

I can't promise that it will be easy. I can guarantee there will be times when it is beyond difficult. And it might take longer to choose genuine happiness. But it is worth it.

If I can teach you this I would be the happiest ever.

Darling child, thank you for reminding me that all I do (good and not so good) is being noticed by you. I strive for the good, but when I fail, that's when I get to teach you about grace.

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