Friday, August 29, 2014

My 1st Week in Kindergarten's Friday! I made it through my first week of Kindergarten. And I am tired.
You probably think I am selfish for writing about my experiences this week considering am I not actually the person going to Kindergarten. But can I just say that Channing's experience this week can be summed up in 1 sentence: She LOVES it! Me? It's taken some getting used to.
My first-time-Kindergarten-mama-friends and I have talked about how it is such a roller coaster of emotions: excitement, anxiousness, exhaustion, adrenaline. So don't mind me if you see me and I'm all crazy-haired and hopped up on caffeine. I promise I will get it together soon. In the meantime, let me share my roller coaster ride with you!

Monday: I was up at the crack of dawn cooking breakfast, making lunches, and trying to get myself all dolled up. I wanted a back to school picture with my sweet firstborn to commemorate this big event and I wanted to actually look presentable to the world before I cried off all my make-up!
And since my hubby is a teacher and had to be at school extra early on the first day, Channing got a quick pic with him before he left for the day. Luckily, she was also up at the crack of dawn (5:45 AM to be exact!) because she was THAT excited so this worked out perfectly! And yes, it was still dark outside. ;)
After dashing out the door and leaving behind a disastrous kitchen (and almost forgetting to get Chaz dressed), we made our way to the school where I walked her to her classroom and left her to be officially "big." Then Chaz and I went to hang out with some friends. I did not want to do this originally. Originally, I wanted to come home and be sad all by myself, but with some encouragement from several other mamas I decided to be social. And I am SO glad I did. Monday was the loooonngest day ever and I can't imagine how long it would've felt if we hadn't gotten out of the house for part of the day. 
Chaz and I rewarded ourselves with Starbucks and an applesauce pouch on the the way to pick up our sweet, smiling girl! Time to regroup and get ready to do it all again the next day.

Tuesday: I got to sleep in a little bit later because I decided to throw my hair in a ponytail since I would not be in any pictures today, but still left the house a complete disaster as we dashed out the door. Today was going to be the real test. I had to drop Channing off at the front of the school and let her walk into her classroom all be herself. (Insert mini panic attack here.) I might have stalled the carpool line just a little as I refused to drive on until I saw her pass through the front doors. She looked so small with her big backpack and all the older kids all around her. When I made it home, I called Brad to get him to walk down to her classroom and peek in the window to make sure she actually made it to class. She did. Panic attack over. (Side note: I am so incredibly lucky that my hubby teaches at Channing's school. It's a serious bonus to this whole new chapter in our lives! :))

Now what was I going to do? What else...I organized some pictures (Chaz "helped"), then took a nap. I also fell asleep at 8:30 this night. I was exhausted!

Wednesday: I woke up before my alarm even went off (going to bed at 8:30 does a body good sometimes!). Today I felt like a new woman! I cooked breakfast, made lunches, cleaned the kitchen, and got everyone dressed and ready (with 5 minutes to spare I might add!). I dropped Channing off at the front of the school (I still called Brad to go check on her later) and Chaz and I ran to the grocery store to grab a couple of things. We were super excited to find that they had already set out some fall decorations. This kid loves jack-o-lanterns.
The day went by pretty fast and I felt somewhat "normal" again. 

Thursday: Again, I felt super organized and prepared as we headed out the door for drop-off. Whew! I might just be getting the hang of this thing!! And today was the first day I didn't cry...It's the little things people! Chaz and I did this ALL day:

And then this cutie had his first Meet the Teacher for Pre-School. I am feeling like an old pro at this now.

Friday: We made it!! Chaz and I went to the first Friday morning assembly at Channing and Brad's school. And I might've let Chaz play on my iPhone the whole time so he would sit still. Sigh. But it was so fun seeing half of my family for an extra 30 minutes (even if it was from far away!). 

Hooray for making it through the first week of Kindergarten! Be sure to check back on Tasty Tuesday to see how I keep snack-packing simple for school. And here's to the Class of 2027! 

I think I'll celebrate with a 3 day weekend! :)

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