Sunday, July 30, 2017

When the Lord Turned 3 Years into 6

Big changes are about to happen in our home.

I've shared about our past struggle with infertility. And I've shared our story about my journey to becoming a stay-at-home-mama. I love stories with happy endings. This one is no different.

Grab your after-dinner sweet treat and settle in for another story with a happy ending...

Thinking back over the times I felt so anxious and defeated and forgotten during infertility, I often questioned: Why did I have the desire to be a mama if we weren't getting pregnant? And why did I desire to stay home with our children knowing it would be hard on one teacher income? Because the Father put those desires on my heart for a reason. He made us wait for a reason. And then He doubled our blessings.

Because we had to wait to get pregnant, Brad and I were able to save enough money for me to stay home with our 2 glorious babies when they finally came along. We had enough saved to supplement the loss of my income for 3-4 years.

The Lord turned that into 6.


My emotions get out of control every time I think about it.

There is no doubt His hand was over that time in our lives. Now it is time to usher in a new era of trust in His plans for us.

This mama is headed back to full-time work. Tomorrow. It is time.

I know it will be an adjustment. I know I will need to ask for help. I know I will forget a major school assignment or friend's birthday (sorry in advance for that). And please understand when I am extra protective over our weekends. But I have been given another gift that I am called to share with the world. The gift of teaching. And again, the Lord has provided exactly what we need when we need it.

In fact, here I am after being offered my new teaching job. (Yes-I felt really cool pulling this picture off.)

This decision has been covered in prayer. And each step of the way the Lord has confirmed this plan for my life in unbelievable ways. He is so gracious to me. And He has sent the most amazing support system to pray with me. And celebrate with me. And cheer me on.

Thank you, Father. Thank you.

So as I start back tomorrow, I would love your prayers for my family. For my stamina. For my ability to let go of perfection. For protection over my confidence as a wife, a mom, a friend, a teacher. Pray for supernatural motivation and energy and concentration...and for me to be able to multi-task like nobody's business.

Working mamas,
The Simple Mama is coming to join forces with ya. Let's do this.


  1. Congratulations! That is awesome and I wish you the best!

  2. You've got this...better yet, He does! Lots of prayers headed your way and for your sweet, blessed family. :)--Lauren Palmer

  3. Michelle, I am so excited for you. The Lord allowed me to stay at home with my babies too. It was a wonderful time. When it was time to go back to work He opened just the right doors at just the right times. Never fear He will provide all that you need.
