Monday, March 9, 2015

Camping : Take 2

This weekend we went camping with my in-laws. I use the word 'camping' very loosely because it was very different than when we went camping this past summer. To read about my first camping experience click here

This camping trip was my kind of camping!! My in-laws have this cute little building on their property that they've totally decked out. They call it The Cabin. And it is AH-MAZING! Don't worry...I've got a few pictures coming your way in just a bit. 

We ate turkey and dressing (my favorite) made by my awesome sister-in-law, and we made s'mores around the campfire. The children took turns on the homemade swing set (which is better than any store bought one I might add!) and snuggled up to watch movies when it was raining. The 3 youngest cousin cuties spent the last night running around playing together while the grown-ups chatted (that was my favorite part!). 

Here I am on the porch of The Cabin...and please don't be alarmed...that armadillo beside me is not real. ;) I love this part of The Cabin because many of the items hanging belonged to Brad's grandaddy. Even though I never knew him personally, I know he was a very special man to this family.

And here we are...the Parkman 4 in front of the official family sign on the outside of The Cabin. 

The inside of The Cabin has this cute little loft space over one of the beds. My nephew and brother-in-law thought of this brilliant idea to build a ladder to get up to the loft. They included enough rungs on the ladder for each of the youngsters in the family to write his or her name. I sweet is this idea?!? Here's our 2 lovelies writing their names on their special spot on the loft ladder. 

Here they are the next day by their ladder spots. And yes, my son is wearing pjs and socks on his hands. ;)

And here they are up in the loft. Cuties!!

Not only does The Cabin have this fun loft, but it also has electricity, a full bathroom, and heating/air conditioning. Seriously? I'll take this kind of camping any day!! Here's a quick view of the main part. 

And Channing was so cute...each morning she asked when it was time to go up to the "big house"...which is the name she gave my in-laws' house.  She is so funny! 

Now I really enjoyed being one with nature on our first camping trip back in July, but I'll be honest...I can totally enjoy all the splendor of the Father's creation from inside too. Just saying. I like to think this makes me well-rounded being able to do both. Can I get an Amen?!?

Thanks to my precious brother-in-law and sister-in-law for hosting us and kicking off our Spring Break the right way! This camping trip is Simple Mama approved!!

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