Thursday, March 12, 2015

To the Mama with All the Babies

You've seen her. The mama with all the babies. And by 'all' I mean anything over one. 

She's frantic in her constant state of chaos. Helping one child while the other is getting himself into a predicament that is not going to end well. Running back and forth between the swings on the playground so that everyone can be 'pushed higher' by mommy. Trying to strap one baby into the car seat while the other is throwing a tantrum on the ground outside the car. All this while others look on in awe. Or worse yet...pretending not to notice that she just needs a helping hand for goodness sakes. 

You know...THAT mom. Yep. I've been that mom. And all of those stories are about me and my littles. 

So this is for THOSE moms:
Having 2 babies in less than 2 years is exhausting...but it is also wonderful. And I promise will get better! 

Soon, they will be able to dress and feed themselves. They will use the potty independently. They will learn to swing by themselves and play at the playground without you having to follow them around for fear that they will fall off the playscape at any moment. They will keep each other entertained (mostly). And it will get easier. 

My family is in the "settled stage." I figure we've got a few good years of being settled before we hit the teenage years. And that will bring on a whole new set of troubles and worries that will make that earlier chaos seem like a walk in the park. 

Speaking of time you see a mama with 'all the babies' at the park and one of the babies is running away (or something less dramatic), offer a helping hand. It will probably make her day. 


  1. This is so great! I totally try to do this with others and so appreciate a kind look or gesture from others!

  2. I have a 14 month old and another due in July. I saw a woman with a newborn in a baby carrier trying to get waters down at the grocery store. I remembered how just a few months ago that was me and how difficult transitioning into motherhood was. I helped her out while everyone else just walked by (she was clearly struggling) and she was very grateful. I pointed to mine in the grocery cart and told her it won't be so hard one day!

    1. I bet she was so relieved you paid attention and offered a helping hand. :)
