Thursday, April 9, 2015

Organized Tooth Fairy

You guys. I think I just came up with a splendid idea. This is one of the best organizing ideas I've had in awhile. And it concerns the Tooth Fairy. Get your listening ears tell the "Tooth Fairy." :)

It is all Teeth Talk in our house lately. We've all had our teeth cleaned, plus I'm sure you remember the "cavity incident." And Channing is especially excited about losing her baby teeth. All her friends at church and school are beginning to lose their teeth and she just can't wait! She checks for wiggly teeth every day. Of course she thinks they all feel 'a little loose' and I just don't have the heart to tell her those puppies aren't even close to being wiggly yet. Be patient, my lovely. Your turn will come.

I have heard many accounts of when the Tooth Fairy has forgotten to visit when she is needed most. While I think these tales are extremely entertaining, I know that if I don't do something about it now, I could very well be the mama who forgets to invite the Tooth Fairy in (especially after we start losing teeth left and right). 

So I'm going to be prepared for when the time comes. 

You know how some families use the envelope system for bills? Well, how about an envelope for the Tooth Fairy?!? Yep. I know. It's brilliant. 

So basically, I went to the bank and got out enough cash for the Tooth Fairy to have on hand for all of Channing's teeth. (I'm in denial that Chaz will also be big enough to have a visit from the Tooth Fairy soon so I just started with her. I can't even.) I put all the cash in a labeled envelope and tucked it away in a safe place. We decided on $5 for molars and $1 for all the other teeth. (The Tooth Fairy is on a budget at our house. And if you add all that up it equals a surprisingly larger amount when it's all tallied together). And in my opinion, the Tooth Fairy is about the childhood experience and not about making cash. Just saying. 

Here's the finished product:
T.F. is code for Tooth Fairy :):):)

How simple is that? I'm pretty sure it took me longer to blog about this than to actually do it. :) Now all I have to do is: A) remember where I stash the envelope and B) resist the temptation to "borrow" from the envelope. ;) Now we wait. Come on loose teeth!

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