Sunday, January 21, 2018


Hey, Christmas. Apparently, I can't quit you.

That was my formal dining table a week ago. And we finally took down our outside Christmas lights. Yesterday. Nearly a month after Christmas.

I forgot to pay 3 bills earlier this month and it had been so long since I had done laundry that I had 3 loads of blacks, 2 loads of blues/greens, and a huge load of reds. Reds, people. One whole huge load of just reds. Let that sink in.

I am nailing 2018. #obvi

I always have a solid New Year's Resolution. Like saying yes to my family or being intentional in purging/organizing. However, on New Year's Eve this year I had nothing. Zip. Zilch, Nada. But I am ok with that. Because my lack of a good resolution actually led me to my best one yet.


I want to embrace my flaws. And chaos. And letting go of perfection.

I want to embrace uplifting friendships. And new adventures. And loving people for who they are.

I want to embrace cereal for dinner. And spontaneity. And contentment.

I want to embrace saying 'no' when needed. And setting limits. And 3 days between hair washings. (Thank you, baby powder,)

I want to embrace grace for myself. And forgiveness. And boldness.

I want to embrace offers of help. And genuine relationships. And listening more than talking.

I want to embrace the Word of God. And my marriage. And my tiny humans who aren't so tiny anymore.

And I want to embrace Christmas decorations in the middle of January. And huge loads of red laundry.

I want to embrace it all.

I don't know what you have planned for me. But I'm ready to embrace it.

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