I almost always make or put together our costumes in some form or fashion instead of buying them outright. It's easier on our budget and I love that our costumes are one of a kind or have a unique spin in some way. That is why you'll be surprised to hear my shocking confession...I bought the children's costumes this year. Sorry, I should've made sure you were sitting down for that one.
I had a really hard time when they each told me they just wanted to buy costumes this year. But I thought to myself, "Ok. I'm a flexible mama. I can do that. Yes, let's buy them." And to be honest, that decision felt kinda freeing because I just bought myself some time by NOT making them. Alright, store-bought costumes. I might like you after all.
Until you cost me triple what I usually spend on costumes. Sigh.
But what's done is done and the children are ecstatic about their costumes this year. However, there is a good chance I will be going back to the old way of doing things next year. So, if you're like me and love to save money and be unique, I've got your Halloween costume inspiration on a budget right here!
Here are our costumes from years' past with tips on how I made them on the cheap:
The Year of the Longhorns
Also, known as the year we had 2 babies. Channing was 22 months and Chaz was 3 weeks old. How did we even do Halloween that year?!? With help from my 2 BFFs, that's how. Channing's cheerleader outfit was a hand-me-down from my local BFF. And Chaz's Longhorn onesie was a hand-me-down from my Austin BFF. Such a special way to spend our 1st Halloween as a family of 4! Total Cost for both costumes: $0
The Year of Peter Pan
I love Peter Pan. It has always been my favorite Disney movie. So naturally, Channing had to be Tinker Bell and Chaz was Captain Hook. Channing's fairy outfit came off the clearance rack from Gymboree and she wore that costume about 100 other times to play in after Halloween...and so have many other sweet little girls who have come over to our house to play. Chaz's pirate costume is actually pajamas (this is my favorite costume trick because how useful, right?!?). We spent a little more this year but we also used these costumes the most out of any other Halloween costume. Total Cost for both costumes: $40
Every kid has to be a super hero for at least 1 Halloween, right?!? I lucked out and found this Wonder Woman costume my mom had made for me when I was a kid just in the nick of time. So Channing wore my old Halloween costume (this is probably my FAV costume ever on her!). I added the Lasso of Truth and some red tights because it was chilly out. Chaz's Super Man shirt with attached cape came from Old Navy, but I've seen them lots of other places too. We used items he already had in his closet for everything else. Bonus: He wore this shirt time and time again after Halloween too! This was also the year that mommy and daddy got in on the fun too. :) Total Cost for both costumes: $15
The Year of STAR WARS
You can't go wrong with Star Wars costumes. They are classic! I made Channing's Princess Leia costume using this how-to as inspiration (with some small changes). I used the cheapest fabric I could find and it worked out great! I found Chaz's Darth Vader mask in the party favor section of Party City for $1 (way cheaper than buying the mask in the costume section). The plain black shirt was from Walmart and I just added felt to make it look authentic. He wore some of Channing's leggings and used a black cape that we already had from the dress-up drawer to complete the look. Total Cost for both costumes: $15
The Year of Independence
This was the 1st year we didn't have a family theme. It was a little hard on my mama heart at first, but I knew this day was coming and I was ok with it. Channing was Elsa (along with everyone else that year). We used the princess dress she already had in her dress-up closet. The only thing I did was make a hair extension out of a cheap blonde wig that I braided into her real hair (I felt like a genius for thinking of this trick!!). Chaz wanted to be Mario. The mask came from Party City and I used the same t-shirt and felt trick that I used to make his Darth Vader costume (felt is my 2nd favorite costume trick!!). Total Cost for both costumes: $20 (not including Elsa dress)
The Year of Imagination
This year was so fun because both the children really "got" Halloween and knew exactly what they wanted to be and how they wanted their costumes to look. Channing was Alice in Wonderland. Again, I used the cheapest fabric I could find and followed this tutorial to make it. Chaz was Bowser (and Brad got to wear his Luigi mask for the 2nd year in a row!). This costume was a labor of love, but I would do it again in a heartbeat because he LOVED it. Like really, really, really loved it. And I'm sure you've guessed by now how I made it. Yep. A cheap t-shirt and felt. I had to get a little crafty with the felt, but it worked perfectly! I used this as my inspiration. Click HERE to see more photos of these adorable costumes. Total Cost for both costumes: $15
Be sure to check out my Halloween Pinterest Board for all my favorite costume inspirations too!

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