Friday, October 16, 2015

Friday Favorites

It's Friday-hooray! And it's link up time-hooray!

1. Jute
You guys. This is like my favorite ever. I use it to make crafts, banners, wrap presents, and just about anything else. It lasts FOREVER and is super inexpensive. It's been so long since I've actually had to buy any but I think it is around $3 at Hobby Lobby or Joann's. Then I use a coupon and it's like I am just stealing it from them. Seriously, I love it.

2. Mason Jar Bacon
If you follow me on Instagram you've noticed that I love me some mason jar wine. Like this:

The other morning I was cooking up some bacon (and daydreaming about my mason jar wine later that night) and wanted a cute way to serve it. Duh. A mason jar. Mason jar bacon?!? Yes. Just yes.

3. The State Fair of Texas
I became a missus at the Hall of State Building on the Texas Fair Grounds. 
Each year we like to take a little trip down memory lane when the State Fair comes to town. Although, nowadays, it looks a little different and I wouldn't have it any other way.

4. My Hubby
And speaking of becoming a 4th favorite is my hubby. I don't publicly lift him up as much as I should. So honey, thank you for having my back, helping me make decisions when it really matters, and doing the dishes when I just don't have it in me. Thank you for always encouraging me to take time for myself and never making me feel guilty when I do. Thank you for understanding that I just don't really want to talk first thing in the morning, and thank you for always making the coffee. Thank you for being the best hamburger griller KNOWN TO MAN and thank you for loving me when I am unlovable. I am a lucky lady.

5. Tooth Fairy Pillow

Channing's tooth fairy pillow is patiently waiting. It should be any day now. 
We are all on Tooth Watch 2015. Click here to see how to make one for your cutie. 

Happy Weekend, Lovelies!!!
XOXO Michelle


  1. Tooth watch-- haha- how cute!! Love the family pic! Stopping by from the link up
    <3 Sarita it's my girls' world

    1. Thanks Sarita!! That tooth is still hanging on. It's a tough little guy!! :) Thanks for stopping by :)

  2. Aww love that ya'll have made the state fair a family tradition! so fun and your kids will remember it forever!

    1. Thanks Megan! I'm sure they will be less willing when they are teenagers, but we hope to continue the tradition. :) Thanks for stopping by! :)
