Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Closet Clean Out

Welcome back to Simple in '16-the place where we are striving for simplicity by organizing and de-cluttering: one project at a time. This month is a big one. Gulp. I'm going to suggest that you get rid of some of your clothes. I know you love them, but you can't possibly love all of them equally. It's time to let some of them go. Don't worry, my lovelies, it's just the cold weather clothes. We'll save the other half of your closet for later in the year. ;)

Here's how to know when to let it go:

1. If you haven't worn it at ALL this fall/winter...it's time to let it go.
You promise yourself that you'll wear it next year. I know. I've made myself the same promise. But 'next year' rolls around and there it is...still hanging out in my closet collecting dust. Goodbye scarf. Goodbye corduroy blazer. Goodbye black bell bottom jeans. I will miss you...sorta.

2. If it's too small or too big...it's time to let it go.
Yes, I know we all hold on to things thinking we will fit back into them one day. Lovelies, we have got to stop doing this. It's good to be prepared, but if we keep everything hoping we'll use it again someday, 'some' day will get here and we'll have so much stuff we'll forget what we were saving to begin with! Plus, how much fun is it to get new pretties when you've reached your fitness goal? Very fun...and usually well-deserved.

3. If you're tired of looking at it...it's time to let it go.
I will say that I have personally been super blessed by hand-me-downs because of this reason! You may be over it, but you probably have a sweet friend who would love to add it to her wardrobe. (Side note: Thank you to all my peeps who keep me and my kiddos looking fashionable with your hand-me-downs! XOXO) The tunic that doesn't do it for ya anymore wants to be worn and loved. Give the tunic another chance. Share with your friends. :)

4. If it has holes or needs mending and you know you won't mend it...it's time to let it go.
Ugh. Anybody else get those little holes in your shirts around the waistline? How do those holes get there?!? This has been a hot topic in my circle for years. There are several good explanations, but seriously, the shirt is fine one day and then has holes in it the next. It is one of life's greatest mysteries. These are the hardest for me to let go. I love my shirt with holes. Even though it has holes. But really, I'll never wear it because even with a tank top on underneath everyone can still see the holes. Goodbye shirt that I wore 2 times. I will miss you...for real.

Spring is almost upon us. Let's get those closets cleaned out so we don't get lost in there! Ready, set, go!

And if you're behind on making things Simple in '16, do not fret. There's plenty of time to catch up. Click here to read about when we organized toys. And click here to read about organizing your office. Happy Organizing!!

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