Friday, April 1, 2016

Parenting Win

Tonight I'm supposed to be posting about our next project for Simple in '16, but instead I want to share a more important story with you.

I needed to have a serious conversation with one of my children about something. My child was not in trouble and I'm not trying to be mysterious by not filling you in on all the details. Out of respect for my little one I am choosing to be vague. But I want to share this with you to encourage all you mamas (and daddies) out there. 

I began the conversation with, "Hey. Let's chat about something for a minute."  And my kiddo took over. What needed to be fixed was fixed. By my little one. My baby felt convicted about something before I could even intervene. And that darling chose to change it before I had to suggest that a change needed to be made.  

I'm not gonna lie. My mama heart burst right open and the tears came forth like a flood. I felt relief. And a little bit of pride. 

Parenting is one of the hardest things I've ever done. And I'm almost always certain I'm screwing things up every step of the way. But this. This felt like a parenting win. 

Mamas (and daddies), don't lose heart. What you teach them; they will learn. What you model to them; they will copy. What you pour into them; they will pour it back out. Not all the time. Not even half of the time. And there will be moments when you feel like you just can't even. (I call those mason-jar-wine-moments.) But they are listening (even when you think they aren't!). Don't give up on the good fight to train them up right. 

Now I'm sure I will have a massive parenting fail very soon because I am sharing about my parenting win tonight. But I'm ok with that. I'm going to take my victory lap slowly this time. 

1 comment:

  1. As a parent I know I made mistakes. We are learning along with our children. Sometimes I wish I could go back but I know I can't. However, God used my parenting for His Glory even though I know I messed up at times. I know I have had to apologize to the girls for me being wrong at times. We have two beautiful daughters who are teaching their children about God. I am so very proud of them but I know it was by God's grace they are the fine young ladies they are today. I am sure your Mom and Dad are very proud of you and Jessie. Love you two very much.
