Thursday, October 6, 2016

Organized Photos

Earlier this week I finally posted about my summer DIY chalkpaint project. The reason it took me so long to blog about it wasn't because I had writer's block. It's because I'm a picture procrastinator. There, I said it. I am a picture procrastinator. I am fantastic about taking pictures. But I am terrible about going through photos and organizing them.  
So for our Simple in '16 project this month, we are going to work on organizing our photos. And by we, I mainly mean me. Oh dear, sweet ones, I need some serious advice and accountability in this area. Let's just say that I'm still working on our 2013 photos. Not. Even. Kidding. 

For years I have developed all our photos and put them into photo albums. There are pros and cons to this way of doing things. Pro: My entire family LOVES looking through the photos albums on a regular basis. Con: The albums take up sooooo much space that I'm gonna need a bigger house if I keep doing it this way. Sigh. 

Another idea I had was to create one of those hard bound photo books through Shutterfly and just include the highlights of each year. But honestly, each time I sit down to start working on that, I feel overwhelmed with which photos to include. So many photos. So little time. And I really, really, really don't want all our photos to just sit in a folder on the computer...totally forgotten. Poor photos. They want to be looked at. But how?

So as you can see, I am super organized in many, many ways. But I need some serious help in this area. I am all ears, lovelies. Give me all your best photo organizing ideas NOW! And I promise, promise, promise to get caught up this month....well, at least try to get to the beginning of 2016. Maybe.

Michelle the Picture Procrastinator


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