Thursday, July 14, 2016

3 Ways to Tell If Under Your Bathroom Sink Needs to be Cleaned Out

Welcome back to Simple in '16 where we focus on one project each month to clean out, purge, and organize to make our lives simpler!

We are half way through our year-long project and I feel like now is the time for a little pep talk. We are weary. And tired. And losing track of why we started this to begin with. Lean in, lovelies, and listen...

Some people are naturally inclined to have things in order (and by "people" I mean me of course!). It is something that just comes naturally to me. I don't function well in chaos. I've gotten better now that I'm a mama, but I still crave order. I also want to enjoy my life as a wife and mama so I try to keep up with things as I go along.

Recently, someone posed this question: How can I enjoy my life when I'm always cleaning and organizing? Loves, that is the very reason I do it the way I do. Little by little. One project at a time. And then I don't let it pile up anymore. Sure we have to go back and purge/reorganize at times, but it is so much easier to keep it organized once you've already done it.

I'm not an expert by any means, but my little family/household runs a lot smoother when we have order. I'm not talking about no-wire-hangers-in-my-house kind of order. Just the kind of order where we know where to find things and where to put them back. And I'm a big believer in taking care of all the blessings our Heavenly Father has given us...even small things like crayons and toiletries.

Speaking of toiletries...let's get down to business. ;) This month it's all about the bathroom. More specifically: underneath the bathroom sinks and the medicine cabinets.

3 Ways to Tell if Under Your Bathroom Sink Needs to be Cleaned Out:

1. You can open your own Bath & Body Works because you have so many toiletries under there.

2. You barely open the cabinet door, blindly throw stuff in there, and slam the door closed so nothing falls out before you can close it. And you think, "Whew. That was close."

3. You find that awesome smelling shampoo from high school in the very back and get excited because they don't even make that stuff anymore!

Cheeky, right?!? I'm teasing you. Sorta. But seriously, if any of those ring true for you, it's time to purge those toiletries. Keep a few favorites (and maybe one extra shampoo/conditioner/shave gel/lotion/etc) and donate the rest. Or throw them away if they are old enough to have their own 10 year reunion under there.

Same goes for your medicine cabinet. I actually don't keep medicine in the bathroom (I keep it in the pantry on the top shelf), but if you do keep it in the medicine cabinet, please, please, please throw away expired medication. Even Tums or vitamins. It's just not a good idea to keep expired meds around.

And since this cabinet is so small this should be a quick project...whether you're purging medicine or whatever else is in there. Get excited about the words quick project. I know you're excited.

Now if you'll excuse me. I think I may have some lavender body splash that I used on my honeymoon 14 years ago that I need to let go. I'm not even kidding. #lavendersplashforever

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